Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cultural Intelligence

Cultural intelligence, cultural quotient or CQ, is a theory within management and organisational psychology, positing that understanding the impact of an individual's cultural background on their behaviour is essential for effective business, and measuring an individual's ability to engage successfully in any environment or social setting.

Cultural Intelligence is an individual capability - This means it is not an aspect of personality or personal interests. It is a set of capabilities that leads to specific outcomes - such as decision making, performance, and adjustment in culturally diverse settings.

CQ is developed through:

Cognitive means: the head (learning about your own and other cultures, and cultural diversity)
Physical means: the body (using your senses and adapting your movements and body language to blend in)
Motivational means: the emotions (gaining rewards and strength from acceptance and success)

CQ is measured on a scale, similar to that used to measure an individual's intelligence quotient. People with higher CQ's are regarded as better able to successfully blend in to any environment, using more effective business practices, than those with a lower CQ.

(Image source: