Thursday, September 9, 2010

Economic Roundup

On the global economic and financial front, barring such countries as China, India and Australia, there were constant bad news in most other parts of the world. President Obama has again announced another stimulus package of $50 billion to boost infrastructure investment in roads and transport, besides providing smaller investors and businessmen with more assistance in promoting their economies.

Germany remains the shinning star of the Euro Zone, but Germany cannot single-handedly rescue the deep economic malaise pervading over a wide range of the European economies. Japan continues to face the deflationary situation as the yen became stronger against the United States dollar at about 83 units, a 20 years high level. Therefore, with this anomalous situation and similar disparities between the various economies around the world, a double-dip recession in the USA appears unavoidable that could then trigger another global recession in its wake.

(Image source: