Thursday, February 17, 2011

Egypt in New Orbit

After an 18-day revolution, the people of Egypt won by peacefully driving President Hosni Mubarak from power. This is a historic moment in this century, and in people's quest for freedom. For this revolution was won not by brute force, nor by violence; but won by the will of the people and their determination to create a better society.

The unity that binds together a broad social alliance against a tyrannical regime inevitably fractures once the immediate focus of rage has been removed. A political or social revolution is not a single act, but a process. The Egyptian upheaval has its own context and will take its own path. But the great popular revolutions all followed a similar initial pattern.

In Egypt, real politics is about to begin as I personally think that the unified movement which we have seen over the past weeks is likely to diverge now. People were in the streets together, but now they have different views of where Egypt should go next.

Different players are watching Egypt for very different reasons...What's next for Egypt? - Wait and watch!

(Image source: