Sunday, May 24, 2009

Velocity (v) = Frequency (f) × Wavelength (λ)

We all know that this is a very famous equation in Physics for finding out the velocity of sound wave. I find it a very interesting equation as it has a great application in our professional life as well.

In my thirteen years plus working experience, I had heard people saying very often “our frequency is/is not matching” or “our wavelength is/is not matching”. I differ from these statements in a great way. I do not understand what our frequency/wavelength matches or not matches means. It does not matters whether our frequency/wavelength matches or not matches, what matters is that the velocity should match in order to move forward or to go to the next level.

Let me explain my theory of understanding in details. What is frequency? It is number of vibrations in unit time in terms of Physics and in professional life it means the responsiveness shown to changes or the adaptability to new concepts. You will find that the young professionals are more flexible and quick in this. So frequency (f) is higher for young professionals. So I think that frequency differs from person to person with respective to age group.

What is wavelength? According to Physics, it is the distance travelled by the sound wave in unit time. In professional life it means farsightedness or one’s capability to see the future. You will find grey haired people having more farsightednesses due to their experience. So wavelength (λ) is higher for experienced professionals.

What is velocity? In terms of Physics, it is the speed at which the sound wave travels and in professional life means going ahead or moving to the next level at a pace. I think we should not be bothered whether frequency (f) or wavelength (λ) matches/not matches; but what is important is that their product that is velocity (v) should match. It should be a combination of young professionals whose 'f' is higher and experienced people whose ‘λ’ is higher as then ‘v’ which is a product of ‘f’ and ‘λ ‘will be higher which companies will be looking for.

So I think the right statement to make is “our velocity is/is not matching”.

1 comment:

Ruchi said...

Very insightful piece of writing and an innovative concept