Thursday, February 11, 2010

5S Concept

Total Productive Maintenance is established with 5S concept. Difficulty cannot be obviously observed when the work place is unorganized, so clean-up it to find out problems. Creating troubles noticeable is the first step of development.

Japanese Term & Equivalent 'S' term
 Seiri - Sort ( Organizing )
 Seiton - Systematize (Neatness)
 Seiso - Sweep (Cleaning )
 Seiketsu - Standardize (Standardization)
 Shitsuke - Self–Discipline (Discipline)

Seiri - Sort out

This denotes categorizing and organizing the items as significant, regularly utilized items, inadequate, or items that are not required as of at the present moment. Useless items can be put away. Significant items should be set aside for the use nearby and items that are not be utilized in near future, should be stocked at other place. So, here the worth of the item should be determined according to the usefulness and not cost. As an out come, the hunting time is reduced.

Preference & The use
- Less (Once per year) Store it to different place from the workplace other wise dispose off it
- Average (Once per month/ week) Store order wise according to the need
- Frequent use (Once per Day) Make sure that at the workplace easily locatable

Seiton - Organize

It states that "Each and every item has a place and just only and only one place". The items after utilizing for work should be to be found back at similar place. To spot out items without difficulty, name plates and colored tags has to be utilized.

Seiso – Cleaning up workplace

This entails cleaning the work place must be free of dust, grease, oil, waste etc which means housekeeping.

Seiketsu - Standardization

Employees have to talk about mutually and putted in the practice some standards for maintaining the work place, machines and roads neat and clean. These standards are executed for whole organization and are checked arbitrarily.

Shitsuke - Self-discipline

Taking into account of 5S as a manner of life and made self-discipline amongst the employees of the organization. This covers wearing badges, following work methods, punctuality, devotion to the organization etc.
(Image source:

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