Friday, June 11, 2010

Emotional Response Marketing

Emotions are one of the most powerful influences we have. Think back for a minute and try to think of anything that you've purchased where your emotions haven't played a major part in the decision process. We use our emotions to help visualize ourselves benefiting from the purchase of a particular product or service. When was the last time you bought something that there weren't any emotions attached to the purchase? I don't think you'll find even one instance!

Emotions are brought to the surface by taking the benefits of your product or service and relating each one of them to a particular emotion. Since every product or service fills a particular need, you'll have to find the benefits and emotions of ownership for yours.

Here's a simple, three step process to help you define the benefits and emotions for your product or service:

1. List the Benefits of Your Product or Service
You want to be able to make a list of the benefits your particular product or service has to offer your target market. This should have already been done when you were doing your market research on your product or service. But if you didn't, take ample time here to know just what benefits your product or service is going to provide your prospective customers.

2. Take Each Benefit and Match the Emotions It Creates
Now take each benefit and match up the emotions that your potential customers are going to experience when they purchase your product or service. Remember not all of the emotions are going to be positive ones. You want to focus on the positive emotions as they are much more powerful.

3. Create Exciting Words and Phrases to Relate These Emotions
You want to create phrases and wording in your advertisements and sales letters that will bring out the emotions attached to the benefits in your prospects mind as they're reading your advertisements and sales letters. Remember you're tying to get on a personal basis with your prospect so don't forget to TALK WITH THEM & NOT AT THEM. Think as if you're sitting with your prospect and talking to them when writing your advertisements and sales letters so you'll be able to relate to them on a one to one basis. Use you and your, instead of me, or I in your advertisements and sales letters.

If you forget everything else, remember this: "The Buying Decision Is ALWAYS Based On An Emotional Response!"

(Source: Internet Marketing Issues)
(Image source:

1 comment:

Manasa said...

I agree we see tangible personal benefits before buying any product !!