Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nuclear Liability Bill

Monday’s verdict in the Bhopal gas tragedy case has made the present government to rethink against rushing to push the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, which aims at creating a regime for compensation and accountability-fixing in the case of a nuclear accident. I personally think that the nuclear liability Bill should not be pushed in its present form.

Nuclear power, which is the fourth largest source of electricity in India at present, accounts for just four percent of total electricity generation capacity. Within next 25 years, India aims to increase this to nine percent of the total generated power. As a society, we want certain benefits, and we want risk takers to figure out better/faster/cheaper ways to obtain them. But if we're going to walk higher wires, we need stronger nets. It is inevitable that system will grow more complex, and that human beings will continue to take risks to meet their immediate objectives. The decision makers need to address the complex issues in simple ways.

(Image source:

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