Thursday, October 22, 2009

Identify Your Employees' Hidden Talents

Please find the highlights of an interesting article from HARVARD BUSINESS is a must read article for all those who are heading teams.

In today's economy, finding external talent to fill your company's needs isn't always possible. Nor is it always necessary. By paying attention and asking the right questions, you will likely discover many hidden talents among your existing employees:

Turn a compliment into an interview:
When congratulating an employee on a job well done, ask exactly what helped her succeed. By better understanding her process, you may uncover an unseen strength.

Ask why employees prefer certain tasks or projects:
Preferences can be a view into someone's talents. An employee might enjoy a project because it involves a product she cares about or because it gave her a chance to design surveys. Knowing which will possibly uncover talents.

Inquire about dreams:
Ask your employees what they would do if they had their career to do over again. Peoples' dreams often include an aspect of themselves they don't regularly share.

1 comment:

Jaydip said...

Nice Article. Nice to your blog