Thursday, October 22, 2009

Strategy Has Never Been More Important

In today's business environment, strategy execution is critical to any company's performance. Becoming a strategy-focused organization (SFO) involves five key phases, governing representing the final one. Governing encompasses all the management systems and processes by which strategy execution is carried out and should, therefore, be ongoing in an organization's life as an SFO.

Learn Best Practices of Strategy Focused Organizations
We can all learn from our mistakes, but with something as complicated as managing performance and executing strategy, it is better to learn from the winners than doing experimentation as it is costly, both in human and financial terms.

Managing Innovation
We all know that without execution, strategy is worthless. But innovation without execution is arguably worse. It's costly, both in human and financial terms. Consider the opportunities for value creation — from controlling design and development costs to reducing time to market — that come with getting things right the first time. It's no surprise that companies are looking at improving the way they manage both the efficiency and effectiveness of their various innovation activities.

Leadership and Change
Among the most important things a leader must do is make the case for change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nabarun
Strategy has never been more important, but execution continues to be top concern of CEO's because that's what actually happens, whatever the intended strategy might have been. I appreciated your blog's efforts to help close this gap between strategy and execution.