Monday, October 5, 2009

The Next Crisis: Coming in 2011

According to Anthony Tjan who is the CEO, Managing Partner and Founder of Cue Ball (a venture and early growth equity firm investing in the information media and consumer sectors), believes that the next crisis is coming in 2011.

With the Dow reapproaching a five-figure level, we have felt at least some temporary economic reprieve in recent months. But Anthony has talked to many astute people recently (both Democrats and Republicans) who question the stability of the upturn. Some of those who believe that this might be a dead cat bounce, or what economists term a double-dip recession, are pretty damn smart. Among them is Harvard University professor Martin Feldstein, who explained in a recent interview with CNBC that the massive stimulus is supporting the upturn and that support runs out by 2010. We may be in a precarious position by 2011.

Bill Achtmeyer - Chairman and Managing Partner of the Parthenon Group, agrees that macroeconomics eventually win out and we should carefully brace ourselves for what might loom ahead — the next crisis in 2011.

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