Friday, October 16, 2009

Productivity and Performance

• Improving Productivity
Improving productivity is more than just a matter of working faster; it's about accomplishing more with limited resources. The four topics covered will help you boost the productivity of your staff and yourself: Leading a Team, Project Management, Running a Meeting, and Managing Your Time.

• Improving Performance

Developing the capabilities of your staff is one of your greatest challenges. The four topics covered will help you improve your ability to manage others for better results: Leading and Motivating, Assessing Performance, Coaching, & Giving and Receiving Feedback.

• Working with Teams
Effective teamwork is essential to getting work done in today's organizations. The four topics covered will help you develop the skills you need to lead a team successfully: Keeping Teams on Target, Leading a Team, Working with a Virtual Team, and Leading and Motivating.

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