Friday, November 6, 2009

Align Employee and Company Priorities

Lucky managers find that their employees' interests naturally align with company priorities. If you're not one of the lucky ones, here are three ways to line up what your employees care about with what your company needs to get done:

Know your employees' priorities - Don't wait for review time. Regularly ask your employees what they care most about. As a manager, you need to know what drives them.
Communicate company priorities - Tell employees what the company needs to achieve in the next week, month, and year. Be clear and consistent, and do this often.
Align interests to responsibilities - Now that both agendas are clear, try as much as possible to channel employees' interests into relevant company priorities.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are absolutely right Nabs.

Here are my thoughts:

Delegation is the important along with defining roles and responsibilities and showing clear cut roadmap for growth

Facilitation in terms of creating right enviornment by putting in place hard and soft infrastructure

Build proper systems and process to get better output and channelised the efforts

Continuous communication about priorities and stock taking

very important as you mentioned
"Be clear and consistent"

Respect individulity and Identifying the potential of the person and assign the task accordingly - every human in this world is blessed with unique quality

Trust people - treat them as your assets

This is how company priorities becomes employee's priorities