Monday, November 30, 2009

E-mail Marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and E-mail Marketing (EMM) is becoming the latest sort out marketing tool for companies because of the increasing cost of print and broadcast marketing. E-Mail Marketing is quickly becoming the in advertising industry a preferred cost effective medium for reaching, targeting, and selling to businesses and consumers. Online advertising companies like Google and Yahoo! have proved this to businesses worldwide, as well as their investors have started utilizing Search Engine Marketing and E-mail marketing thereby generating a healthy profit. Companies and organizations are always in search for a medium to save money and reduce the sale cycle. This objective could be certainly be achieved to a great extent by E-mail marketing as it saves time and resources for retailers by sending electronic messages in a timely order, to their in-house customers.

As other marketing tools, for E-mail marketing also certain strategies have to be followed to ensure its success for a business venture. It is the web site is where sale is made but the email is what that would bring customers to the website.
(Image source:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In this digital era, more and more companies already has constructed it's own website. So draw traffic to the site is important. What can be done for it, is by email. that links can be embeded.
Now, companies blasted edm by Spread and get good results for sales& traffic.

Just simply to get code from Spread – email marketing software & service then paste on index. It's a web-based Email marketing platform, which is easy to use.