Monday, November 23, 2009

Stop Innovating......Start Minnovating

If we want more entrepreneurs, stop worrying about jumpstarting innovation. Focus on "minnovation." That is what some of the experts are saying which I saw in a recent article. So if you do not agree with the problem as these are not my words. But I believe whatever is mentioned in that article and that's why I am posting it in my blog.

In reality, the vast majority of real-life entrepreneurs around the world aren't innovators. They're minnovators — mixing small parts of novelty and creativity with huge helpings of flexibility scrappiness and a generous portion of hard-driving execution.

Public officials from Colombia to New Zealand are hoping to create the next Silicon Valley by building modern "innovation centers" for entrepreneurs. But that tactic may unwittingly backfire: overemphasis on innovation as the pillar of entrepreneurship could actually stunt entrepreneurial growth. Some potential entrepreneurs, who think entrepreneurship is only about innovation, don't even bother trying because they know their chances of being the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs are nil.

You don't need to have a Ph.D., a team of engineers, a wall of patents, or even the proverbial garage. More often than not you need that little twist on an existing idea, the tweak of the business model, the minor product adaptation, or even just the ability to put together and lead a fantastic team that is supremely resourceful in overcoming obstacles and driving the tweaked idea to market.

It's time for a generation of minnovators to emerge.

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