Sunday, January 10, 2010

Earth could soon be wiped out by the explosion of a star

The star, called T Pyxidis, is set to self-destruct in an explosion called a supernova with the force of 20 billion billion billion megatons of TNT.

Although the star is thought to be around 3,260 light-years away – a fairly short distance in galactic terms – the blast from the thermonuclear explosion could strip away the Earth’s ozone layer, the scientists said. T Pyxidis is really two stars, one called a white dwarf that is sucking in gas and steadily growing. When it reaches a critical mass it will blow itself to pieces.

It will become as bright as all the other stars in the galaxy put together, they said. The Hubble space telescope has photographed the star preparing for its big bang with a series of smaller blasts or “burps”, called novas.

Earth could soon be wiped out by the explosion of a star – but soon could still be a long way off so do not have nightmares...

(T Pyxidis Photo: NASA)

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