Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Three Tips for Hiring Former Employees

Former employees can often make successful rehires — they are known quantities and are familiar with your organization's unique culture. But bringing a former colleague back needs to be done thoughtfully:

1. Do your due diligence - You may assume you know what you're getting when hiring back former employees. But, you should go through a rigorous interview and screening process — just as you would for a new candidate — to be sure the returning employee is truly qualified for the job at hand.

2. Communicate - Be sure the rest of the organization, especially those employees who were candidates for the position, knows the reasons for bringing back the employee.

3. Brief the returning employee - The employee will need to know what the current situation is at the company, with special attention paid to what has changed since her departure.

(Source: Harvard Business Review)
(Image source: Nevermindthemanager.com)

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