Friday, January 29, 2010

How to Set Up a Growth Group

During a recession, many organizations focus on the basics; but at some point, it's time to put growth back on the agenda. Special units focused on growth have worked for some of the most innovative companies. Here are a few guidelines to follow for setting up a growth group in your organization:

Make it a support unit - The group should help divisions, not burden them. Instead of the growth group launching new ideas, the lines of business responsible for executing the ideas should take ownership from the beginning.

Choose the right leader - The person leading the group needs to be well respected, well connected, and someone people feel comfortable turning to.

Don't overstuff it - It can be tempting to put someone from every department on the team. Instead, keep it a manageable size (around 6-8 people) and be strategic about who you choose to serve this critical function.
(Source: Harvard Business Review)
(Image source:

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