Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Prof C.K. Prahalad on 'LEVERAGING INDIA'

I am one of those lucky persons in getting a chance to hear Prof C.K. Prahalad live in a recent forum at IIM Ahmedabad campus. The topic was 'LEVERAGING INDIA'.

Prof C.K. Prahalad proposes that businesses, governments, and donor agencies stop thinking of the poor as victims and instead start seeing them as resilient and creative entrepreneurs as well as value-demanding consumers. He proposes that there are tremendous benefits to multi-national companies who choose to serve these markets in ways responsive to their needs. After all the poor of today are the middle-class of tomorrow. There are also poverty reducing benefits if multi-nationals work with civil society organizations and local governments to create new local business models.

He also discussed on the need of providing 'Mass Education' with the use of IT so that it can reach to the remotest village and this will help to develop 'Monetised Skills'. Population is a factor and so more and more good cities to be built and they should be well connected with the best of the infrastructure.

Another important focus area which the prof discussed is the approach on ‘Sustainable Development’.

He concluded by saying that we should follow 'Next Practices' and not 'Best Practices'.

It is really good to be a part of such forums and seminars.....

(Image source: Rrindia.com)

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