Friday, January 8, 2010

Evaluating Brand Awareness

How many persons can point to a brand’s field of competence – the products and services which it envelopes? A brand without awareness is voiceless and lacks meaning. If a brand has an emotional connection with the consumers and if it is the first to spring the mind when asked about brands in a certain product category, then this brand has a real awareness. This is achieved not by simply repeating the name in the advertisings but by creating appeal and interest. Here comes the brand communication, it should immediately develop a relationship between the brand and consumers. Then a charismatic brand is said to have been built.

A charismatic brand has a prominent position in its category, have the highest price premiums- up to 40% more than generic products or services. It has a dedication to aesthetics, because it has the language of feeling. Don’t you think so?
(Image source:

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